Outcome Focused Governance

Assured Outcome Delivery (AOD)** is a proven Board-Level approach and toolset;  its outcome delivery focus is based on a number of key change leadership principles:

  • AOD focuses on change for Stakeholders and Customers - “Show-Me” events, not just numbers.
  • The result is agreed at the start – delivery approaches then flex to achieve it.
  • Change is made by the business, for the business – not just passed off to a programme.
  • Target achievement is driven by successful change.

The AOD approach leads transformation efforts to deliver and realise benefits more effectively.  It has seven elements organised into four strands:

Outcome - how to get your vision and make it tangible and deliverable; producing consensus about the future – always focusing on the desired ending.

Right to Left Plan - creating the plan backwards from the benefits, accelerating achievement, and aligning it with current work i.e. we ‘backcast’ from success, not forecast in the traditional way.

ROI - extending, estimating and connecting benefits to operational change; bias free estimating removes double counting and factors for risk; the benefit control process promotes gross cash value.

People & Processes - enabling epidemic change and promoting leadership effectiveness. Integrating management and behavioural change elements of benefit realisation with programme management and business performance measurement.

Vision Plan ROI Lead 1 Lead 2 Manage Deliver Exceed Prepare Better, Lead Brilliantly Deliver Projects & Programmes Smarter Harvest Benefits on Schedule

AOD recognises the need for implementation sequence flexibility to meet different organisations’ circumstances.

Ideally, AOD undertakes planning straight after establishing clarity on Change Visions through eliciting 'Show-Me' Event outcomes from the senior team. However, if you are considering using AOD to ‘repair’ a transformation programme or find more benefits to recover a business case benefits total, then AOD recommends undertaking the ROI elements second, then one has to iterate Plan and ROI steps to establish senior agreement with, and ownership of, the benefits newly identified.

** The Outcome Delivery Network Approach ideas in AOD are a further development from the concepts based in Isochron’s Dimension4 method   
